Monday, October 6, 2008

me, myself and some questions.

Got this questionnaire from Mr. Dhole O'Brien. Nice time pass, though have answered it in a candid way.

Last movie seen in a theatre:
Rock On

What book are you reading?
The Client by John Grisham

Favorite board game:
haven't played much but like Scrabble, Checkers

Favorite magazine:
India Today

Favorite smells:
Smell of soil after the first rain, December fog and Adidas 'dynamic pulse' deo

Favorite sounds:
heavy flutes

Worst feeling in the world:
The feeling of not being able to communicate innerself.

What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
To be true, 'will there be water in the bathroom taps..??'
kya karoon, final block...!!!

Favorite fast food place:
In college, definitely SUNDER. Back in home, KAMDHENU SWEETS.

Future child’s name:
Yeh kya question hai...?? lot of time left to ponder over the names.

Finish this statement, “If I had a lot of money I’d…”
extravagantly spend it, wat else..???

Do you drive fast?
driving slow is not for me. 'accelerator' is my best friend on the vehicle.

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
This baby has never done that.

Storms - Cool or Scary?
gr8 feeling of gushing air on the face, luv it so find it cooool..!!

Do you eat the stems on broccoli?
never ever.

If you could dye your hair any color, what would be your choice?
i think yellowish brown.

Name all the different cities/towns you have lived in:
Chennai(2 months :( )

Favorite sports to watch:

What’s under your bed?
A pair of shoes stuffed with a pair of long-washed socks, dumped 'VITRUVIANS(college yearbook) and some bloody mosquitoes which come out only in night to suck my precious blood.

Would you like to be born as yourself again?
would like to try some other life may be. Though am very happy with my present life.

Morning person or night owl?
'Early to bed and early to rise'

Favorite place to relax:
my bed back there in my home.

Favorite ice cream flavor:
Kesar Pista, Chocolate


Test said...

"Early to bed and early to rise"???? You???????? Ya maybe as per Alaskan time!

shiningsun said...

dude i have always been that kinda guy, though hav changed a bit here, but temporarily only