Monday, March 30, 2009

my bottle...

How I wish I could cork the bottle,
and throw it in an ocean for it to never come back to me again...

the bottle,
containing all the disappointments,
the bottle,
stinking of all the shattered dreams,
the bottle,
fizzing out with all the wishes never fulfilled,
the bottle,
full of all the goals never achieved.

the bottle,
moulded of agonies,
the bottle,
labeled with the miseries,
the bottle,
tied with divesting ribbons,
the bottle,
ignorant of all the thirsts.

But.......I can't...
my hands refuse to release the hold,
the eyes are afraid to lose the sight,

and my heart fears a breakdown.

And I know,
that I still need it,
much much closer to me...
than ever ever before.

1 comment:

Test said...

Enough of the senti poems and actually write what you feel now! Its hard to write when you got a month to go but well worth the memories later..